Mercure, IBIS, and Accor Hotel Apartments 2017

Intelligent Johnson Controls and Legrand Systems are used at the Garhoud Mixed Use Development, UAE, to create exclusive modern style surroundings for guests who are used to expect excellence in all respects.
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Niagara Framework Analytics Service was used to collect data from the existing Building Management System, metering data in particular to present them as meaningful, actionable information display as graphs, charts, pie and other widgets to help visualize energy consumption and efficiency.
Room Benchmarking: Monthly power reports, benchmarked and presented as a percentage, with 90% or more indicating optimal efficiency without losses.
Water Consumption: Annual overview of room-wise water consumption aids quick identification of efficiency and anomalies on the floor.
Hourly Power Monitoring: Automatic hourly updates help operators detect anomalies in consumption during anticipated and standby hours for each load type.
Yearly KPI Comparison Graph: Compares total load consumption against the benchmark, showcasing power consumption adherence over the years.
7500 Point
254 Rooms - Mercure Hotel
350 Rooms - IBIS Hotel
154 Apartment - Accor Apartments
Customized KPI
Tenant Billing System and Invoice Generation
Benchmarking Power and Water Consumption