Spacia Systems and United Enterprise Company jointly led the second milestone conference for the “National Bulk Water Metering and Monitoring System” project. This event, organized in collaboration with the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) and USAID, saw the participation of organizations within the water industry, including Miyahuna, Yarmouk Water, Aqaba Water, and the Jordan Valley Authority, with CDM Smith serving as the project consultants.
The purpose of the project, which is a part of a USAID fund under FARA 5 – Phase III, is to support the water sector to reduce Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in the service areas of the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), Jordan Valley Authority (JVA), Jordan Water Company (Miyahuna), Yarmouk Water Company (YWC), and Aqaba Water (AW), and provide management tools to better utilize available water resources, apply real-time monitoring of bulk water supply, improve data collection and reliability, and provide the tool for evidence-based decision-making.